oh I wish YOU were here :"(
DEEJA's: TUTORIAL: Cara cara nak printscreen

TUTORIAL: Cara cara nak printscreen

Salam Jumaat kawan-kawan! Memandangkan ramai yang request nak suruh Deeja ajar
printscreen or in other words snapscreen or screen capture, so Deeja pun nak buat jugak la tutorial ni.

Mana mana hamba Allah yang dah tau tu, skip post ni ok, Hoho.. 
Deeja buat one by one dh ni tau, special untuk korang yang baru nak kenal internet and computer k, peace ;)

1) For those yang gune Windows 7, tk kire la Ultimate, Professional, Home Premium or what.
Still boleh gune cara ni. Just guna Snipping Tool ok.

Go to Start Menu, errr, start menu pun taktau? Takpe2, this is it ; 

Then, go to all program and cari Accessories. 

Cari Snipping Tool. Jumpe? Bagus! Cerdik cerdik.

Sekarang korang dah pandai snapscreen! Yay!

2) Untuk yg gune selain Windows 7, 

confirmkan dulu browser yang korang guna 

i) kalau korang gune Mozilla.boleh try yang ni.

Click Download for Windows. OK done!

ii) Yang gune Google Chrome plak, boleh download yang ni.

-Happy Trying! Kalau tak jadi jugak, jangan malu bertanya ok? :) -

Thanks for reading ;)


adeeb kazhen said...

wahhhhhhhh begitu rupa nya ingat kam amcam mane lah

Deeja|Ayam Dageng said...

hhehehehhe, -.-

michelle said...

girl, come on!! give us more advance tutorial..this basic tutorial just waste ur time as a secondary student, please,girl! i hope u can teach us such a unique and brilliant tutorials

Deeja|Ayam Dageng said...

this tutor's created based on my friend request actually, thnk u :)